Love Never Dies The fire of love Can never die. But is shortly extinguished From time to time.
Sometimes the fire Burns hot and bright; While anticipating the date (Or what happens that night.)
Sometimes the fire Barely smolders. But don't worry, It gets better as you get older.
Right now my fire Is just at its birth; But for you, Ready to consume the Earth.
So hold that fire Close to you. But don't let it burn So that pain ensues.
The fire can burn Much too fast. Perhaps like it's happened Much too often in the past.
Just let it grow At its own pace. Before you know it, It's all over the place.
Pick the right tree For the right fire. Or the bulk of the flame, May too quickly expire.
But don't forget The smoldering ashes; The ones left from The untimely disaster.
They're the ones That can be reawakened, If the proper time And care are taken.
Remember, Fire is warm, And to that Little love bugs swarm.
With my friends I conspire, OK... Let's start that fire! |